motor 25/2 tauschen für r26

Begonnen von Misah, 23 März 2014, 20:10:12

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my friend bought a r26 with a very good 25/2 motor with orginal carburateur.  he drove 10 km, it rides well

who has a good motor r26 for a "tausch"  with carburateur against this 25/2 motor

tilburg holland




Hello Marty.

I don't have an engine for swapping, but to be perfectly honest I doubt that it will work out-even if you would decide to add a few pictures of the engine offered by you (respectively your friend)...

You write that your friend had bought the bike in allegedly good running condition, but without substantial information about the engine state (original, overhauled, how many kilometers total etc) it will be close to impossible to find someone who is willing to swap his/her R26 engine (most probably in well known and good condition) with an engine lacking all history...your "very good" is nice, but not enough.

Good luck though, Taz   
Denken ist wie googeln, nur krasser!

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Hi Taz,
ok, now I understand, offcourse the people need more info.

on this moment we are building the frame, engine, everything together.
he decided that we ride with the 25/2 engine for a few months in a r26 frame. The people who would like to buy or swap the engine, can try the engine on a later moment.

we don't now the history. We (he :)) bought the bike 9 months ago. the seller painted the motor by hand and probably totally drunk :gewissen:
after painting the motor black he used something else and then tryed to paint the striping..  terrible,

but that was the only thing he did. what we understand dat a dealer 15 years ago, could not find a spare r26 engine. and replaced it with this 25/2 engine (checking the motornumber). This together with a original 22mm carb.

herewith a upload foto, several parts are now with a professional paint shop..

i'm rebuilding the electronic wiring, not so difficult. :) :kopfhau:

so in a few months we have some more detail.

Taz, thanks for the reply.

happy riding..


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