BMW R27 Carburetor

Begonnen von angusbuchananbmw, 13 Januar 2023, 13:40:51

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Hi All

I have a BMW R27 that was bought in bits incomplete and it came with a Bing carburetor 1/27/19, which I know is not the right one for the bike. Does anyone know what this came from? If I was to buy a correct replacement, would the one Uli's sell be any better than a modern Mikuni VM 26-665?

Thanks in advance
R25/3, R26 and R27


R25/3, R26 and R27


Hi Ken,
why not go with the 27 mm if it is in good condition ? Maybe the intake is even already customised to match.
I'd rather try that then to go with any aftermarket reproduction.
Sure it's some effort and try & error to find the 'sweet-spot-setup' - but if you start at ground zero,
you'll have that more or less with any carb.
The R27 is notorious for beeing bitchy concerning the setup anyway. (Jets and also ignition-timing )


Think outside the box !


I would definatly try to find an original BING and restore it (if needed) with Bing parts. Even if it costs the same at the end as the new "Bing Style" China Cracker.

I have no experiences with these Fakes for BMW´s but for Puch and they are all crap.

Roll On!

Chrome don´t bring you Home


There's a 1/27/19 on that says it's from a Zundapp



Hi Ken,

my experiences with carbs on a R27 are with serial Bing's, with a brandnew Bing 53 and finally
with the Mikuni.

The Bing's were the originals and cost about 500 to 600 Euro.
I bought a new Mikuni for 120 Euro from Mikuni Topham in Germany.

The Bing's worked always with problems - the Mikuni works beautiful.
(I'll have a new Mikuni on stock for the next 20 years)

Pls. check the Einzylinder-Forum regarding the install of the Mikuni.

Best regards from

Beemer (Kurt from Germany)



sorry, but I do not understand that nearly everyone tells us original Bings on R 27 are useless. On my former R 27 it worked good and correct. Completely refurbished (not only a gasket) and also on my R 26 it us still working very well... and that after minimum 10 years without maintenance on the carb.

Ariel motorcycles... upon which the sun never sets.


Heiko, das ist alles Einstellungssache... ;D


Ariel motorcycles... upon which the sun never sets.


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