Willy Elbers Netherland

Begonnen von Jollyjester, 31 Mai 2018, 09:17:30

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Has anyone a contact with the gentleman from the Netherland's, Will C. Elbers/The Netherlands.  But who is A BMW enthusiast, and maybe a journalist.

He wrote to me in March this year, in my role as Archivist, for the BMW Club UK and Ireland, a asking if I knew anything about, one of our club members in the very early 1950s? Fred Horton.

At that time, no.  The gentleman was not listed in our club membership, a but since then I have found this was a typo, and his real name was Horton, and not Morton as listed.

This is within the last week or so, since then, I have found two photographs of the gentlemen taken in March 1953, and also a letter he sent to the BMW Club Journal, at that time, and his name and address in the original membership book which I have.

None of this I knew when Mr. Elbers first contacted me.  I have tried to contact him on the e-mail address he said to me as a private message on our forum, but no response.

Perhaps he has stopped looking on our forum, that is the BMW Club UK and Ireland.

If anyone out there knows of the gentlemen and can give me a direct contact, or invite him to contact myself again, I'm sure it would be of mutual benefit for everyone.

Robert Freeman



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