NEU: Baureihe R24 > Bilder hinzugefügt

Begonnen von Karl, 22 Januar 2005, 21:35:13

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Unter Baureihe > "BMW R24" > wurde jetzt der Punkt "Bilder" hinzugefügt.

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Kurzinfo 2:

- die obere Navigation wurde repariert. Sie ist nun automatisch genau so breit wie euer Bildschirm udn sie funzt jetzt auch (fast) Fehlerfrei im Forum.

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† odeon8

Hallo Karl,

die NaviBar funktioniert jetzt wunderbar.  - SUPER -
Die Art der Bildnavigation mit den Thumbnails unten und dem großen Bild in der Mitte kannte ich bis dahin noch nicht - geht super - :respekt:

Die DXF-Datei ist auch ok - Wapperl-zu-Laser in Arbeit....

Gruß, Thomas



what program are you using to create the curved text?
I have been trying Paint shop pro or Photo shop but that doesn't work very well.  ::)

Your logo seems to be drawn with autocad or so. But can you make curved text with that?

Below is the attempt for a new logo for the dutch club (not official yet)
I used autocad (basic picture), paintshop(colors) and printartist (text)


ps. picture removed (see remarks below)

† odeon8

Hi Ser,

this Logo is NOT created by myself - the screenshot above is only for confirmation of Karl´s work.
The reason for converting it into DXF is that
my laser works much better with vector data instead of using pixel data
and making "lines". I would use AutCAD (tm) or another vector drawing
program like CorelDraw (tm) or even the newer releases of PaintShop Pro (tm)
for the design, because using vectors makes the logo "sharp" in any direction.

Your Logo looks great - be careful by using too much BMW design - those
people are making a lot of troble if they feel their corporate identity being copied
...... :kotz:

Greetings from Bavaria - Thomas


Zitat von: odeon8 am 24 Januar 2005, 10:09:08

Your Logo looks great - be careful by using too much BMW design - those
people are making a lot of troble if they feel their corporate identity being copied
...... :kotz:

Yeah, unfortunately that's right, though!

Ser, please have a look here and here to have an impression about the hypersensitivity of the BMW AG concerning the usage of their emblem.  :wc:

Kind regards

Alt werden ist unausweichlich, erwachsen werden optional...


thanks all,

the idea behind the new logo was indeed the use of the 3 letter company logo in our old sign.  :traurig:

But just to make sure and avoid premature problems, I have removed the picture in my previous message
(Perhaps I make a new one with the EMW colors and looks instead  ;D)

Thomas, thanks on the info on the vector drawing programs. Never liked bit-map oriented much either since they also tend to create massive pictures.
But how are these curved letters made? How can I allign a word with a circle?  ???



@ Ser:

Vector-Text and Kurve-Text? Well, it isn't so difficult at all  ;)

I started making those Logos with an old study-version of "Freehand", and then I converted this file to a Corel Draw file (I had plenty of time the last days in our company to finish the logos). With Corel you can write a text, align it to a path or an object (like a circle; Button "Text an Objekt ausrichten" o.ä.) to flow around it and when you finish the whole project, you select the text and convert it into curves (Button "Text in Kurve konvertieren") - that's all ...  ;D

Kind regards,

PS.: Additional information for you about Corel and aligning a text > path / object:

- if you like to have a "round" text (text going in a circle way), you have to create at first an ordinary circle ("circle"-tool). Then you write your text somewhere next to this circle (e.g. above). Now select the text and the circle and click on the menu-point "Align text to object" (or something similar; don't know the english Corel version). The circle becomes invisible (but is still present) and text aligns to this circle.
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