YouTube: Reviving a Classic 1951 BMW R25 Motorcycle

Begonnen von Karl, 05 Dezember 2024, 17:51:25

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I follow him on Instagram, he does restorations with excellent quality.
He is currently restoring an R60/5, I think the R25 will be next.
Grüße Alejandro

Mein Instagram nur mit BMW-Inhalten  @motorradbmwr26


Roll On!

Chrome don´t bring you Home


I agree with Amir - I think I would think very carefully about whether I would carry out a full restoration here. The machine has so much patina and charm, perhaps a little linseed oil/preservative wax would be enough. Ok, the interior could be restored.
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I sent a message to Andreas about his video, which had transcended borders, and invited him to see the post.
I also took the opportunity to ask him if he was thinking of restoring it, and to the relief of many, he won't do so. He will only concentrate on mechanical issues and the patina will remain untouched.
Grüße Alejandro

Mein Instagram nur mit BMW-Inhalten  @motorradbmwr26


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Chrome don´t bring you Home


Von dem Video gibts mittlerweile einen weiteren Teil:

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Schöner Reinraum, da macht das Zusehen Spaß :thumbsup:
Roll On!

Chrome don´t bring you Home

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