Pressed steel frames R2/3/4/35

Begonnen von cwf, 09 April 2022, 20:38:35

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Hello again to all you pre-war experts,

Are there any diagrams or measurements to help with straightening these frames? Are they all the same?

My R 35 rigid frame is bent, the rear axle does not fit. I took it to a frame-straightener yesterday and we discussed the problem. Fortunately I have a spare crankcase and gearbox, so the continuity of gearbox output and drive shaft can be checked first. Then he will fit the rear wheel, as best he can and check against the steering head, hoping to get front and rear wheels in line and vertical. Then straighten the left side.

However, much of this is 'feel' and experience and some figures might be useful. Anyone been here before?

Many thanks,





Hello Charlie

You could do worse than ask a little  closer to home. As in, The BMW Club UK&I.

In my Official Capacity in the above, Archivist we have some info on the R35, also members who own one.

However the combined 'knowledge' offered by this Forum should no t be dismissed and a very valuable resorce.

I can also ask BMW in München.

Is it a  BMW or EMW.



Thanks Hubi, I had a look at the EMW R 35 forum. However, according to Andy Schwietzer at engine number 229701 the EMW emblem began and at engine number 234000 the rigid frame stopped, both in 1952, so rigid frames and EMWs scarcely overlap.

I also looked at the website which described a frame measuring device. 'Die Bewertung erfolgt über den Vergleich mit den Soll-Daten des Motorradherstellers.' And according to one of the contributors 'Mit dem Maßen wird es schwierig, bis jetzt sind solche, außer aus Vermessungen von Besitzern solcher Rahmen, noch nicht bekannt.'

So I think we're stuck with 'feel' and experience.

And thanks also Robert, we've discussed this bike before. The box of bits I started with did not include a complete final drive, so it's only now that I've discovered the bent frame.

A further problem I'm coming across is that the cost of running a business in western Europe is such and the labour rate that has to be charged for someone to make a living, both combine to make such a labour-intensive task as straightening an old frame or rebuilding a dynamo uneconomic. Apparently the cost of rewinding an armature is £250 and rebuilding a dynamo £500. The cost of a new (pattern) dynamo is Euro 550. Perhaps, if someone could ensure sufficient quality control, such tasks could be done in eastern Europe or Asia and remain affordable.

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