BMW Newsletter December 2007

Begonnen von † odeon8, 10 Januar 2008, 21:42:34

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† odeon8

Hi Folks,

the link loads a 3.4 MB PDF File containing the
"Facts and Background of BMW´s  Mobile Tradition"
It is a 64 page document showing a lot of car and motorcycle
pictures and is in English language.



† odeon8


† Knut


nice pictures included in this doc.

Can you imagine that we can take some similar shots from us / our bikes like in page 33.

Not in a left turn but in the right direction.... because of the middlestand (+3°  ;D)

When? Where?

Knut S.(cratcher)



für alle die es lieber in deutsch haben:

Gruß Knaudel
Keiner hat immer Recht!!

Seltener hier als Rolf und Heiko!!!

† odeon8

Hey Knaudel - Supi !

Must have been a lot of work doing this translation   ;)
Thanks for your effords to this great job in such a short time !  :applaus:

Thomas (tried to get this file without success)



'Allo all,

Link to previous issues in English HERE

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